ESG HEALTH SAFETY WELL-BEING Being a responsible business and to encourage a healthy workforce, it is also compulsory for all employees to be a member of a medical aid scheme. In order to educate employees and keep them up to date, their personal circumstances are reviewed annually. We also facilitate update sessions between our employees and the retirement benefit provider, as well as the medical aid provider.Employee Health, Safety And Well-being
The CEO is ultimately responsible for the occupational health and safety at Emira, and to this end, a trained health and safety representative has been appointed to perform this function. Any employee concerns around matters of occupational health and safety can be tabled at monthly Management Committee meetings, where a standing agenda item is in place to address any issues.
For management, taking care of employee safety is part of creating a superb working environment and is therefore always top of mind. During the COVID-19 lockdown, employees were encouraged to work from home for as long as necessary to protect themselves from possibly contracting the virus, as well as to prevent the possible spread to others.
We encourage our employees to practice personal financial planning. There is a responsible retirement policy in place to ensure that employees plan for their futures by contributing to retirement plans. All employees are required to contribute to the mandatory employee retirement benefit plan.